Jack Wehr
Jack Wehr
Year: Senior
Hometown: Sykesville, Md.
High School: Marriotts Ridge
Major: Physics and Math
Team: Football
Internship: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Study Abroad: Strasbourg, France

What is your favorite sports moment at K?
Beating Hope with a last secoond field goal my freshman year.

What is your most memorable academic experience at K?
Cramming for the sophomore math comps.

Why did you choose to attend Kalamazoo College?
I chose to attend K because of the opportunity to play football and get a great education.

What do you enjoy most about road trips during your season?
Seeing and playing in new environments.

What is your least favorite thing about road trips during your season?
Long bus rides.

Who is your all-time favorite athlete and why?
Ed Reed, the world's greatest ball hawk.

What is your favorite class and why?
Physics 410 because it was challenging and informative without being overly difficult.

Who is your favorite professor and why?
Dr. Barth because he is excellent at making math fun.

Other than the sport you play, what other sports activity are you good at?
I played lacrosse in high school, buut my talent was probably debatable.

Is there another game in which you dominate? (card games, lawn games, pool, darts, etc.)
Useless trivia.

Outside of sports, what is your favorite hobby?

What is your favorite meal in the cafeteria?

Who is your role model?
Ryan Reynolds.

What do you enjoy most about practice?
Thursday ball drills.

What do you like least about practice?
High tempo periods.

What are your plans/goals after graduation?
Grad school and a job, not necessarily in that order.