Madeline Woods
Madeline Woods
Year: Senior
Hometown: Ann Arbor, Mich.
High School: Huron
Major: Anthropology/Sociology and English
Team: Swimming and Diving
Study Abroad: Madrid, Spain

What is your favorite sports moment at K?
My favorite sports memory at K was at MIAAs my freshman year. I dove much better than I expected to, qualified for regionals, got second on the 3m board, broke a forty year old record, and just had an amazing time. My entire team was so supportive and I remember having a great time on and off the pool deck.

Why did you choose to attend Kalamazoo College?
I chose to come to K because it allowed me to do everything I wanted to do. I could dive, double major, go abroad, be challenged academically, join clubs, and meet amazing people. While it hasn't always been easy to juggle, K allowed me to explore my interests in ways other schools couldn't.

What do you enjoy most about road trips during your season?
The best thing about road trips with the team is just getting a chance to hang out with everyone together.

What is your least favorite thing about road trips during your season?
The worst thing is the number of times the bus driver has gotten lost.

What is your favorite class and why?
My favorite class was probably Sex and Sexualities or Race and Racism. Both of these classes introduced me to conversations I had never had before college and fundamentally changed the way I viewed the world. 

Other than the sport you play, what other sports activity are you good at?
I am part of Cirque du K, which uses a lot of the same skills as diving. I like being a part of circus because it is a lot less technical than diving so their is much more room for exploration. It is as much of a work out for your mind as it is your body so you don't even realize how hard your working, you just notice how much fun it is. 

Outside of sports, what is your favorite hobby?
Outside of sports I really enjoy writing and reading.

What is your favorite meal in the cafeteria?
I love it when the caf has sweet potato fries or gyros.

What do you enjoy most about practice?
The thing I enjoy the most about practice is getting to hang out with a really great group of people. I don't know how I would have gotten through my time at K without them.

What do you like least about practice?
The toughest thing about practice is when they are very early in the morning, especially when we have to get into the water.

What are your plans/goals after graduation?
After graduation I am hoping to get my teaching certificate and possibly a masters. I am hoping I can spend the rest of my life teaching kids in the classroom as well as in the pool.