Men's Soccer Seniors Honor Most Valuable Professors

The men's soccer seniors standing with their Most Valuable Professors.

The 2022 Kalamazoo College men's soccer seniors have selected their Most Valuable Professors to recognize this season. These Most Valuable Professors were recognized before the home men's soccer game on Oct. 5.

The Hornets selected Dr. Robert Batsell, Dr. Francisco Villegas, Dr. Diomedes Rabago, Professor Amy MacMillan, and Professor Chuck Stull.

Selecting Dr. Batsell from the psychology department as their Most Valuable Professor was Travis Barclay. Inspired by Dr. Bastell's endless pursuit of knowledge, Barclay engaged in psychological research for his senior individualized project. He is also grateful to Dr. Batsell for constantly pushing him to do better work.

Tony Yazbeck chose Dr. Villegas from the anthropology and sociology department as his Most Valuable Professor. Yazbeck was influenced by Dr. Villsegas' commitment, material, and passion for the subject matter so much that it inspired him to change his path from pre-med to pre-law. He also appreciates Dr. Villegas for helping him study for the LSAT and for helping him land the internship he was seeking.

Honoring Dr. Rabago from the spanish department as their Most Valuable Professor was Damian Valdes. He is thankful to Dr. Rabago for showing that he genuinely cares about Valdes with his origins, family, and future. In addition, Valdes claims Dr. Rabago's fun, engaging, and charismatic personality makes him one of the most down-to-earth professors on campus. He is grateful that he could go to Dr. Rabago anytime to get support.

Aidan Gillig and Paul Kearis both selected Professor MacMillan from the business department as their Most Valuable Professor. Gillig appreciates Professor MacMillan teaching in an enjoyable way, providing a real-life experience in the classroom. He also credits Professor MacMillan with pushing him to pursue a career in marketing. Kearis is grateful that Professor MacMillan pushed him outside his comfort zone, helping him improve his academics, which has allowed him to pursue a more promising career path.

The final Most Valuable Professor that Emilio Romo chose was Professor Stull from the business department. Romo appreciates Professor Stull for always bringing energy to every class and keeping the learning atmosphere engaging. He is also grateful for Professor Stull's athletic support and enjoys his attendance at games.

On behalf of the athletic department, THANK YOU to these Most Valuable Professors for positively influencing our student-athletes. Your work is greatly appreciated!

Kalamazoo College senior athletes have the opportunity to recognize their Most Valuable Professors throughout the 2022-23 season.