Women's Golf Senior Recognition - Katherine Stewart '20

Katherine Stewart playing golf.
Photo by Kimberly Moss

The COVID-19 pandemic put an unexpected and early end to the 2020 spring seasons. As a result, traditional Senior Days were also canceled for spring sports. Please join us in recognizing and honoring our senior student-athletes through the tribute written by their coach below.

Katherine Stewart is from Beverly Hills, Michigan, the daughter of Harriet Stewart. Katherine is a dual major in economics and math.

Katherine is a four-year varsity award winner and has played 47 rounds, the most of any player in K women's golf history. She has shown improvement in her game every year, improving her average by 25 strokes since her debut in 2016. She capped her senior season by being named our Most Improved Player. 

Katherine is definitely a student of the game and spent as much time on the golf course as she could. It has been fun watching her mature not only as a player, but as a student as well. Her grades improved every year, culminating with a 3.4 during her senior year. Her inquisitiveness and generally happy demeanor will surely be missed.