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Women's Lacrosse is underway at K!

Kalamazoo College women's lacrosse practice.
Photo by Steve Wideen

KALAMAZOO, Mich. - The Kalamazoo College women's lacrosse team, which is slated to begin its inaugural year as a varsity sport in the spring of 2014, has begun practice to prepare for the upcoming season. Kalamazoo College sports information caught up with Head Coach Emilia Ward and sophomore captain Elizabeth Arellano to ask each of them some questions about lacrosse and its impact on Kalamazoo College.


Q1: What has been the response to the addition of a women's lacrosse program at Kalamazoo College?

A1: The response has been phenomenal. Students, faculty, and staff are asking how practice is going. Everyone is excited to get a sport they may have not seen before started.

Q2: What has been the response of the greater lacrosse community to the addition of a women's lacrosse program at K?

A2: Overall the response has been positive. Coming from the east side of the state, I have reached out to high school and club coaches on this side of the state. We have generated interest in the program by hosting clinics in the fall and winter of last year. We average between 20 and 30 athletes each clinic, and plan on hosting clinics again this academic year as well as a three-on-three tournament.

Q3: What type of impact is the program having on recruiting in the region as well as the state?

A3: Kalamazoo coming on board is great for the sport of lacrosse in the state of Michigan. Kalamazoo College is highly regarded for its academics, and offers a place for high school athletes to receive a great education while continuing their athletic careers.

Q4: How have the first weeks of practice gone?

A4: Currently we are through three and a half week of practice. It has gone surprisingly well for a first year program. The girls have put in a lot of work outside of practice and have embraced what we are trying to do in a short period of time.

Q5: For someone who has never seen lacrosse played, how would you describe it and why would someone want to attend a game?

A5: Lacrosse is one of the most exciting sports out there. It has the speed of soccer with a lot more action. The games are much higher scoring. Lacrosse is a mesh of soccer, hockey, and basketball. It will have a different look than most sports we've had on campus.

Q6: Are there any particular rules or nuances of the game that a new spectator should be aware of?

A6: There is a big difference between the guys game and the girls game. Our game is much less high contact and relies on speed and finesse. 


Q1: What has been the response to the addition of a women's lacrosse program at Kalamazoo College?

A1: Everyone is curious, yet very excited. People have a lot of questions.

Q2: What is it like to play and practice in the new facility? 

A2: We were very excited to see our locker room last year. This year, we practice on both the intramural field as well as MacKenzie Field on the weekends. Playing on the main field gets all of us pumped up knowing we will be representing Kalamazoo College in competition on that field in a few months.

Q3: What do you think of Coach Ward?

A3: Coach Ward was a big reason why I decided to play lacrosse. She is very supportive of all of us and constantly reminds us we are students first.

Q4: How are you managing the balance between academics and athletics so far? 

A4: It has been difficult practicing four days a week while doing weight room workouts as well. Because this is the first year, most people on the team have not played a sport in college. Balancing our academics and athletics has been and will continue to be a learning process. It's reassuring to know I have support from my coaches and my teammates.

Q5: How have the first weeks of practice gone?

A6: The first weeks of practice have gone really well. We show up with a lot of energy each practice. We have bonded very well as a team in just a short time, and are excited to begin competing.

The women's lacrosse team is scheduled to play three games Saturday, Oct. 5, at Grand Valley State. The Hornets will play Findlay, Indiana Tech, and Oakland.

To see photos of a recent practice, visit the photo gallery.