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Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
Year: Senior
Hometown: Okemos, Mich.
High School: Okemos
Major: Business
Team: Psychology
Minor: Psychology
Internship: Jackson National Life
Study Abroad: Budapest, Hungary

What is your favorite sports moment at K?
It changes every day, but any time we win in the MIAA is great.

What is your most memorable academic experience at K?
Making a lifesize flock of ceramic ducks for my final project in my sophomore seminar.

Why did you choose to attend Kalamazoo College?
I wanted to do more in four! I wanted to be able to get a great education, continue playing a sport, do internships, study abroad, be in clubs, and still be able to have time for friends and family.

What do you enjoy most about road trips during your season?
Dance parties on the bus.

What is your least favorite thing about road trips during your season?
The Hornet bus doesn't have heated seats. 

Who is your all-time favorite athlete and why?
Lindsey Vonn because she is so tough and such a fast skier. She also takes her dog with her everywhere she goes.

What is your favorite class and why?
I can't pick just one. I really enjoyed all of my business and psychology classes. They always challenge me to think in different ways.

Who is your favorite professor and why?
I have had so many great professors at K that they each have a different way in which they are my favorite.

Other than the sport you play, what other sports activity are you good at?
Skiing, yoga, hiking, and biking.

Is there another game in which you dominate? (card games, lawn games, pool, darts, etc.)
I don't like to brag too much, but I was the 3rd grade chess tournament champion.

Outside of sports, what is your favorite hobby?
Traveling and finding the best place to eat.

What is your favorite meal in the cafeteria?
Gluten free chocolate chip cookies. They are healthy because they are gluten free!

Who is your role model?
My mom.

What do you enjoy most about practice?
Hanging out with my friends for two hours a day. Oh and carpooling to practice in the mini van!

What do you like least about practice?
Practicing in the cold, dark snow and then having to get in the ice bath after.

What are your plans/goals after graduation?
I want to work in sales and to keep traveling and finding new adventures.